Utah Lake Management Plan Approved
The Utah Lake Authority is pleased to announce that the Utah Lake Management Plan was approved in the 01/24/2024 ULA board meeting. The plan is available for viewing below. The ULA and its partners will work to begin implementation according to the timeline described in Chapter 8 of the plan.
If you have questions about the management plan, please contact Luke Peterson at 801-857-7014 or [email protected]. For additional information on the plan, its development and updates as it is being implemented, please visit the project hub HERE.
About the Utah Lake Management Plan
The newly formed Utah Lake Authority (ULA) worked with Jacobs Engineering to develop the Utah Lake Management Plan, as directed by the Utah State Legislature in House Bill 232, Utah Administrative Code (UAC) 11-65-202-(2)-(a). This Management Plan describes a vision and mission for achieving the policies and objectives described in UAC 11-65-203 and specific actions to be taken to achieve the goals and objectives of the planning effort. The Management Plan will be dynamic (to be updated regularly) and will include a monitoring component and criteria to evaluate success in achieving the goals of each project.
For additional information, please visit the project hub HERE created by Jacobs Engineering to facilitate the plan development process.
Planning Meetings
The planning workgroup held meetings to provide recommendations to the ULA board and staff on drafting the comprehensive management plan for Utah Lake. Below are the agendas for the meetings held.
November 30 — Kickoff meeting with ULA Board (ULA Board work session)
December 20 — Vision and Mission Workshop
January 18 — Goals and Objectives Workshop
February 16 — Second Goals and Objectives Workshop
No agenda — review of goals compiled.
April 17
May 19 — Gap Analysis Framework Review
June 13 — Management Strategies Review
July 19 — Project Prioritization Framework Review
Public Engagement on the Management Plan
We welcome feedback on the development of the Utah Lake management plan! This flyer shows several ways people can learn more and engage in the process.
Utah Lake Authority Boundary Map
Click here for online map of ULA boundaries
Frequently Asked Questions
A project planning team made up of 14 individuals representing a variety of municipal, resource agency, and other interests around Utah Lake was created to work with the Jacobs team and help shape the strategic direction and development of the Management Plan. The planning team is largely a subset of the ULA Governing Board. The planning team will work together to develop the Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives of the Management Plan, while providing review and input of associated interim deliverables. Planning team meetings are open to the public and will be announced online in advance in compliance with the Open and Public Meetings Act.
Meetings of the planning team were initiated in December 2022 and a conceptual framework for the Management Plan will be developed by April 1, 2023. Public engagement activities are tentatively scheduled for early spring (April-May) 2023 and the full Utah Lake Management Plan will be completed before the end of 2023.
The ULA is interested in receiving input from the public with respect to resource concerns for Utah Lake, goals and objectives for the Management Plan, and potential solutions to achieve these goals and objectives. Members of the public will be invited to provide their input during the public engagement process, which will include several elements:
- Public meeting – early spring 2023
- A public meeting will be held to present the initial conceptual framework for the Management Plan and the resource concerns, goals, and objectives developed by the Planning Team.
- Input will be solicited from members of the public prior to the development of the full Management Plan.
- Public engagement survey – early spring 2023
- An online random sample survey will be developed to solicit input from the public.
- Review of draft Management Plan
- A copy of the draft Management Plan will be posted to the Utah Public Notice website for a 30‑day comment period.
- Comments submitted during the comment period will be considered by the ULA Governing Board before adopting the Management Plan.