2015 Photography Contest Winners

Here are the winners of the 2015 Utah Lake Photography Contest:

Scenery Category:

  1. Crack in the Ice, Christian PeayCrack in the Ice_Christian Peay_Scenic_edited-1
  2. Ice on the Lake, Bill ChurchIceontheLake- Bill Church_Scenic_edited-2
  3. Dreams at Dusk, Robert BradshawDreams at Dusk_Robert Bradshaw_Scenic

Fun Category:

  1. Sunset at the Lake, Jessica DowneySunset at the Lake_Jessica Downy_Scenic or Fun
  2. In Awe, Emma McAdamInAwe_Emma McAdam_Fun
  3. Thinking, Devin StevensThinking_Devin Stevens_Fun

Animal Life Category:

  1. Geese Landing, Christian PeayGeese Landing_Christian Peay_Animal Life
  2. Pelican, Paul PetersenPelican_Paul Petersen_Animal Life
  3. Utah Lake Deer, Kolbie BartholomewUtah Lake Deer_Kolbie Bartholomew_Animal
