Your fondest memory of Utah Lake?

For nearly 50 years, Utah Lake has been a popular recreation spot. A lot of memories have been made here, including several of my own.

My first memory of the lake was while wake boarding in college. After discovering it, I’d come often with friends as an excuse to play hooky or just enjoy the immediate proximity. For Utah County residents, this massive lake is our backyard.

The second memory that comes to mind was the first time I discovered sailing on Utah Lake. I’ve always wanted to sail the northern Atlantic or Caribbean. But my first time sailing was actually on this majestic and sprawling lake surrounding by mountains on three sides. It’s quite a site from the open water. And thanks to ample winds, it’s a great spot to experience wind energy.

But my fondest memory of the lake was taking a speed cruiser across much of it. While working on a story for, a state official drove me and a few visiting delegates to various points of interest at maximum speed, in the warmth of the afternoon sun, with snow-capped mountains in the background. I still wax nostalgic just thinking about it.

What about you: What’s your fondest memory of Utah Lake? Please share in the comments below.

One Comment

  1. My fondest memory of Utah Lake is when I was about 10 years old circa 1984 and I went fishing with my family. We caught over 100 white bass that day. It was non-stop how the fish were biting. What a blast!