Get ready for the Annual Utah Lake Festival!
May 31, 2025
Free Admission!
Utah Lake State Park
Drone Show: June 6, 2025
The Utah Lake Festival is a great opportunity for the public to learn about what is being done to improve the lake, promote recreational activities, and allow the attendees to enjoy a beautiful Saturday at one of Utah’s greatest natural resources.
This year’s festival will be full of fun, education, and prizes. The Festival takes place at Utah Lake State Park and usually brings in 3,500–4,000 people! There’s something for everyone, and we can’t wait for you to learn about all the cool things that are happening at the lake.
Activities include:
Sailboat Regatta
Cardboard Boat Race
Food Trucks
Lots of Prizes
Educational Booths
Sailboat Rides
Live Music
And More!
Craft and Game Stations
Free Fishing Instruction
Rock Climbing Wall
Cardboard Boat Race
The cardboard boat race is a fun family team event where you build your own boat from cardboard and duct tape and race around the marina.
May 31, 2025 @ 12pm
Each team will be supplied with three large cardboard boxes and two rolls of duct tape. We encourage you to build the boat prior to race day. Each member of your team will be entered in a raffle for a chance to win a blow-up paddleboard!
Register your team for the cardboard boat race today!
Vendor Information
This event is intended as an educational opportunity, not for retail vendors. However, we do usually welcome a few food trucks to supply food to attendees. If you are interested, please contact us!

One of the biggest partners for the Utah Lake Festival is the June Sucker Recovery Implementation Program (JSRIP). This event largely focuses on educating the public on the efforts made by this program as described below:
“The June Sucker Recovery Implementation Program is a multi-agency cooperative effort designed to coordinate and implement recovery actions for June sucker. The program also recognizes the need for continued operation of existing water projects and development to meet future water needs. The program takes an adaptive management approach wherein biological information is gathered, reviewed and incorporated into the program on a continual basis. The program works to balance and accommodate water resource needs of the human population with June sucker recovery efforts. While the priority is on June sucker, the program also provides a mechanism to promote the recovery of other federally listed species, and prevent the need for further listings in the Utah Lake Drainage Basin.” –
Check out this awesome video of the Sailbot Regatta, done by Bonneville Sailing
If you would like to learn more about the Utah Lake Festival, as an attendee or a presenter/vendor, please reach out to:
Utah Lake Authority
[email protected]