Welcome to the competition!
Utah Lake will be hosting a year-long competition to challenge teams of up to 5 angers in catching and removing as many carp as possible. Along with a annual grand prize of $10,000, monthly prizes include $1,000 for teams that catch and remove the most carp.
Who: You and up to 4 other anglers can compete on a team.
What: The Great Carp Hunt lasts all year! Teams go out during monthly events, catch as many carp as they can, and bring them back to the event launch to count and dispose of the fish. There will be monthly prizes and annual prizes for categories such as most fish caught, longest carp caught, heaviest carp caught, smallest carp caught, etc.
When and Where:
All events start at 8:00am and go until 5:00pm on Saturdays and 2:00pm on Sundays.
Feb 22-23 – Utah Lake State Park
Mar 29-30 – Lindon Marina
Apr 12-13 – Lincoln Beach
May 24-25 – Lindon Marina
Jun 28-29 – Saratoga Springs Marina
Jul 26-27 – Utah Lake State Park
Aug 30-31 – Lincoln Beach
Sep 27-28 – Saratoga Springs Marina
Oct 25-26 – Lindon Marina
Nov 29-30 – Utah Lake State Park
Why: Various government agencies have worked diligently for years to remove carp with large-scale seining and now with semi-automated traps. The Great Carp Hunt will help with the removal effort, educate the public on the work of restoring the threatened June Sucker and provide an experience for anglers to participate in the work of restoring Utah Lake’s fishery.