Good ideas are worth sharing at Utah Lake in winter

Well that escalated quickly!

Two years after first publishing a story on winter recreation at Utah Lake, participation has measurably increased this year. The reason: Good ideas are worth sharing.

Case in point: Ultramarathon Dave Crocket ran across a frozen lake two years ago, prompting others to do the same, including a mother of five. Jim Harris started fat biking the lake last year, which spawned a slew of new ice bikers this year, including the mayor of Provo.

Justin Brim and Chris Santacroce made news last month while paraflying Utah Lake, leading others to do the same last week. “Nothing warms you up or puts a bigger smile on your face,” says Mark Whirthlin.

That’s not to say the above ideas haven’t been done before, if not long ago. But whoever came up with them, it’s nice to see a reported increase of them, including nordic skating, ice hockey, dog sledding, ice fishing, and even ice climbing.

Who needs summer when there’s so much to do now?


Photo credit: Ryan Houston


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