21 truck tires removed from Utah Lake
From March 7-10, eight residents from the Saratoga Springs Homeowners Association volunteered over 60 hours to remove 21 tractor/haul tires from Utah Lake. Some of these tires were over seven-feet …
From March 7-10, eight residents from the Saratoga Springs Homeowners Association volunteered over 60 hours to remove 21 tractor/haul tires from Utah Lake. Some of these tires were over seven-feet …
As part of our Adopt-the-Shoreline program, the Utah Lake Commission will be coordinating the first annual Utah Lake Cleanup Day on Saturday, September 19th.
Below is a list of the official public access points to Utah Lake. They are listed geographically starting with the American Fork Boat Harbor and going clockwise around the lake.
A local Boy Scout named Jacob Faber has been working on an Eagle Project that is designed to increase awareness about the endangered June Sucker.
With the publicity that Utah Lake has had over the past few weeks, some of you might be wondering what you can do to help make Utah Lake a better place.
Last week, a survey was mailed to almost 1,500 randomly selected residents of Utah County asking them a series of questions about Utah Lake. Perhaps you were one of the …
Read more “You Can Help! Utah Lake survey plans for its future”