2016 Utah Lake Photography Contest
2016 Utah Lake Photography Contest The Utah Lake Commission is pleased to announce the 6th annual Utah Lake Photography Contest. The contest is sponsored by Allen’s Camera. Contestants may submit …
2016 Utah Lake Photography Contest The Utah Lake Commission is pleased to announce the 6th annual Utah Lake Photography Contest. The contest is sponsored by Allen’s Camera. Contestants may submit …
The Utah Division of Wildlife resources is asking that anglers kill and turn in any northern pikes caught in Utah Lake during 2016.
Get your jackets and ice skates ready because ice has started to form on the lake! There are a variety of fun things that you can do at Utah Lake during …
The Utah Lake Master Plan identified the goal of improving research and monitoring at the lake. One of the objectives of this goal is to construct a Utah Lake Research Facility. The …
2015 has been another tough year for water levels at Utah Lake.
Here are the winners of the 2015 Utah Lake Photography Contest:
As part of our Adopt-the-Shoreline program, the Utah Lake Commission will be coordinating the first annual Utah Lake Cleanup Day on Saturday, September 19th.
Ten years ago, The June Sucker Recovery Implementation Program produced the video Utah Lake: Legacy. As Utahns celebrate Pioneer Day this week, we thought it would be a fitting time to invite …
****THIS JOB APPLICATION IS NOW CLOSED**** Thanks to all who applied. We will be contacting you within the next few days.