That’s a lot of ice: Cross country skating at Utah Lake
Jim Harris is quickly becoming my favorite winter recreationist. After sharing his recent ice biking exploits with me, he applied yet another novel technique to Utah Lake.
Jim Harris is quickly becoming my favorite winter recreationist. After sharing his recent ice biking exploits with me, he applied yet another novel technique to Utah Lake.
Somewhere, a fish is biting. And since a fish has always gotta eat, it’s just as true in the winter as it is in the summer.
What’s it like to bike across a frozen Utah Lake? We asked Jim Harris, who did it last year, to find out:
Not only does Davy Crockett have an adventurous name, he does adventurous things like run an informal marathon across a frozen Utah Lake.
You may recall the short story we did a few months ago on plans to restore the Provo River delta.
We have a variety of cold weather articles planned for the coming months.
Hydrologist Robert Baskin of the U.S. Geological Survey recently studied water chemistry at Utah Lake.
In addition to staging a boxing match, what else were Utahns doing at the bottom of the lake when it was largely dried up 75 years ago?
The following guest column is written by Jodi McKee, a fourth grade teacher from southern Utah County and contributor to the Utah Lake curriculum.