Utah Lake Symposium, October 15
Want to learn more of what is happening at Utah Lake? Want to keep current on all the goals, plans, and past/future projects? Come join us for the annual Utah …
Want to learn more of what is happening at Utah Lake? Want to keep current on all the goals, plans, and past/future projects? Come join us for the annual Utah …
I am very fond of Utah Lake. Although I’ve lived just a few miles from it for more than a decade, I didn’t discover the lake for myself until recently—four …
Merrill Webb is a bird specialist extraordinaire who has developed a vast knowledge of many bids, especially those in Utah.
I never thought I’d see a more impressive electrical storm over Utah Lake when I saw this photo by Bill Church last year.
Viet Nam War – the words ignite various emotions and memories for many Americans.
As you make plans to utilize Utah Lake for Labor Day weekend with all its various attributes and activities, we hope you have a fun and safe holiday celebration.
Salt Lake Magazine this month named Utah Lake a best-pick for outdoor attractions in Utah Valley.
You may recall last year about this time, we posted an article about ongoing phragmites treatment efforts at Utah Lake. We’ll we’re at it again this year.
Attention all aspiring paddleboarders (pictured), kayakers, and canoe-ers. Now is an especially good time to try said sports on Utah Lake.