A Resolution Confirming Support for Science-Based Conservation, Restoration, and Enhancement of Utah Lake

At a recent meeting of the Utah Lake Commission Governing Board, a resolution was discussed and approved, supporting science-based conservation, restoration, and enhancement of Utah Lake. The PDF of that signed resolution is available below for viewing.

For the last 15 years, the Utah Lake Commission has worked diligently to fulfill the core objectives that drove its creation: 

  1. Encourage and promote multiple uses of the lake
  2. Foster communication and coordination between Commission members and the public
  3. Promote resource utilization and protection
  4. Maintain and develop recreation access
  5. Monitor and promote responsible economic development

The Commission strives to find balance between the various stakeholders and interested parties at the lake and encourages science-based management, innovative solutions, and collaboration in its efforts to protect and enhance the lake for current and future generations. This resolution is a statement from Commission members demonstrating their commitment to those objectives.