Top 10 things to do at Utah Lake that don’t involve water

You know—of that lake, but not in the lake. Here are a few quick ideas to get the creative juices flowing:

  1. Picnics around the lake. Whether on paved walkways or near one of five marinas, lakeside picnic tables are a great place to enjoy a sandwich and take in some air.
  2. Hiking/nature walks. On both paved and unpaved trails, exploring the rim of Utah Lake is just as fun as getting in it.
  3. Birding. Interested in seeing a night owl, pelican, or even Bald Eagle? There are plenty of fowls around the lake, some of which I’m betting you’ve never seen before.
  4. Photography. Have you seen Utah County from the west side of the lake? It’s stunning. Sadly, not many locals have experienced this vantage point, let alone the numerous others all across the lake.
  5. Off -roading. I’ll let you in on a little secret: The west side and southwest side of Utah Lake offer wonderful terrain without all the crowds. Definitely worth exploring.
  6. Gun range. Also on the west side of the lake, marksman are always welcome. Please shoot responsibly!
  7. Sightseeing. You don’t have to hike to enjoy the many lookout points of the lake. Highway 68 is a wonderful place to start.
  8. Visitor center/museum. Interested in learning more about the lake and what it has to offer? Call Utah State Park at (801) 375-0731 for available hours and get educated.
  9. Archaeology artifacts near Goshen Bay. Interested in historic remains? Call (801) 851-2900 and ask for Carin at the Utah Lake Commission to learn more.
  10. Camping. Go on, stay a while! Restrooms, water, and RV sites available, and you can reserve online.

In addition to boating, swimming and fishing, what do you like to do at Utah Lake?